I shared a few photos the other day to my social media, from an event I recently hosted. I briefly shared that hosting events was never something I thought I could do until I was pushed to do it a few years ago. 5 years ago, to be exact. Sharing that post triggered the memory […]
Before November, I had traveled to regions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10. 8 and 9 were the two outstanding regions I was yet to experience in Guyana. Of the two, 9 was the one I was most excited about. This year, I said to myself, this year is the year I wanna go to Lethem, as I […]
I know I’m a few days late with this blog/review, but would I really be Gabriella if I were on time? Hehe… So here’s my little review on the Soca Monarch Competition that went down on Saturday evening, virtually. Or in my case, at the National Cultural Center, since I was there with a wide […]